Star Wars Party

For my son’s birthday this year, he decided he wanted to go with a Star Wars theme.  We had just introduced him to Star Wars a few months before, and he really liked it! (I’m not sure if he or my husband was more excited by this)  So I got on pinterest…a LOT, to figure out some fun things to do.

First, I found a link that showed how to make lightsabers out of pool noodles, duct tape, and electric tape.  Just cut a noodle in half, and tape away.  Voila!


I also found some awesome masks from Bessie Pooh.  Not only does she make Star Wars masks, but she makes all kinds of Disney characters as well.  Here are my kids modeling some of them (there are 10 altogether, but we only made it through these before they lost interest in my impromptu shoot):



I had such a hard time deciding on a cake…there were SO many that I loved.  We went with this one, and my talented cousin, Mica, made it.


And finally, here are the kids in action at the party:


Each of them got to take home a lightsaber and mask when it was over (you’re welcome, parents!) 😉

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