Train Game

We’ve had a lot of cold, snowy, icy weather this winter in Indiana.  After a while, you start to feel a little stir crazy being inside so much.  We play outside in the snow here & there, but that’s really not enough.  So the kids & I came up with a new game, using some toys in a different way.  We call it the “train game”.

First, we set up 2 sets of track, right beside each other.  We made sure that each track has the exact # of pieces, even though they’re not identical in how we set them up.

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Then we put two trains at the starting point.

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The youngest player goes first, and you roll one die, moving your train along the same number of track of what you roll.

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If you land on either piece of the hill you get to go to the next piece.

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Every time you roll a 1, the bridge either opens or closes.  If you get to the bridge and it’s closed, you have to wait until either player rolls a 1 to open it back up.

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The first player to reach the finish line wins!  We’ve had so much fun playing our train game, and it’s definitely helped to keep our minds off of the weather.  🙂

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